“Why is my baby feeding so often? Am I making enough milk?”

mothershlc • 6 October 2020

Today, I got three questions that deal with milk supply issues.  This is the most common fear of most new mothers and the number one reason that women stop nursing before they planned.  It is also, in my humble opinion, very rare that the breasts actually fail.  I call it “Acute onset idiopathic lactation failure” and frankly, it just doesn’t happen all that often.  I will answer one question today and post others later, as the total answer would be a book all by itself.

Nicky asked: “I breastfed with my daughter who is now 18mths, I know there were times that I was worried she wasn’t getting enough milk but because her weight was increasing they told me I had nothing to worry about, She ate every 2-3 hrs. I now have a newborn who I feel is attached to me, He eats every 45 min- hr for like 20 min then sleeps. The last apt we had was the 2day apt and he had gained an oz. I have another apt this week, but I’m worried (not stressing, because he’s got poopy/ pp diapers) that he’s not getting enough.  Should I be worried and talk to someone, or should I wait to see if he’s gained any before I seek help.  Also my daughter had no problems feeding ( didn’t hurt or chap or anything) where as I feel I had to teach him a little, but when he latches it hurts at the 1st latch on then I’m fine, Is this normal?”

Nicky,  Congratulations on the birth of your new baby.  The first few weeks are a tough time, made worse by our incessant need to worry all the time about everything.  It sounds to me like you and your baby are getting along just fine.  You tell me that he is peeing and pooping and that he has gained an ounce (I assume since discharge, but if it is an ounce over birth weight he is a rock star breast feeder), all of this is reassuring. Given your first successful breastfeeding, it would put sudden unexplained “I can’t make enough milk” at the very bottom of my list of things to worry about.  You know that your breasts work.  Trust them.  I would suggest that everything is going on well enough.  That being said, you also put up a couple of little hints that things aren’t going perfect (the frequent feeds and the tender nipples), so let’s address them.

Frequent feeds and tender nipples are both signs of a less than perfect latch.  You see, when the baby is latched on well, there is no pain.  In fact, the entire areola and nipple goes past his tongue and down his throat.  There is nothing to feel pain about.  Try this experiment.  Cup your breast in your hand and put your fingers on the boarder of your areola (that is the line where your breast changes color to form the circle of your “nipple”), now, pinch down a bit to compress the tissue.  There should be no pain. Now, slide your fingers down to your nipple and pinch there.  You should notice a significant difference.  Why?  Because the breast and areola is a protected with fat tissue, but the nipple is not.  When your baby latches well, he goes beyond the unprotected nipple to take the entire areola in his mouth.  This does two things.  First, it protects mom from sore nipples.  But even more important, it will ensure proper flow of milk to the baby.  Think of your nipples as a small bunch of straws that carry milk (which is what they are).  Now, take that bunch of straws and pinch them and try to drink from them.  What happens?  Nothing.  You can’t drink out of a pinched straw, and neither can your baby.  When your baby has a shallow latch, he pinches the tubes that brings the milk down and that makes it harder for him to get milk out.  He will go to the breast and suck, sometimes hard, fiercely even, but he won’t get much out.  Eventually, he will either get tired, or he will get a satiety signal (remember, it takes 20 minutes between first bite and full tummy signal for grown-ups and babies alike) and will come off the breast.  However, since he didn’t have a good latch, he didn’t get as much milk as he wanted/needed and will soon wake up and want to eat again.

So your baby may be latching poorly, which leads to painful nipples and frequent feeds.  Try to make sure he has a big open mouth before he latches.  When he latches, if you feel a pinch or some tenderness, pull him close to the breast and pull down on his chin to encourage the mouth to open, the tongue will drop down and then out to cup the areola.  If it doesn’t get better in a few sucks, try it again (up to 3 times).  If that doesn’t work, take him off and try again.  Let’s see how that works, write back if there are still problems.

by Dr Tom 13 July 2021
Lactation Matters Microbiome Post Last year I collaborated with ILCA to publish a blog post based on my popular lecture on the Maternal-Child microbiome. They have agreed to allow me to cross-post that blog here. So without further ado, here you go. You can find the original entry at https://lactationmatters.org/2020/02/14/ten-things-ibclcs-need-to-know-about-the-gut-microbiome/ New understanding of how human milk affects the gut microbiome is helping to explain exactly how the benefits of human milk are achieved. We hear a lot these days about the gut microbiome—and with good reason. Evidence suggests that the bacteria in our gut influence virtually every aspect of our functioning, from our stress and anxiety responses, to our metabolism and appetite, to the robustness of our immune system, to even our experience of gender and mating. And when our gut microbiome is out of balance, research suggests negative consequences can result: depression and anxiety, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, Alzheimer’s Disease, and asthma have all been linked to microbiome disruption. What does the gut biome have to do with breastfeeding? A lot, as it turns out. A webinar hosted by ILCA, Jarold “Tom” Johnston, DNP, CNM, IBCLC, explores that connection. Here, based on Johnston’s talk, are the 10 things lactation consultants need to know about the maternal-infant gut microbiome. 1. The microbiomes of baby and birthing parent are inextricably linked. When a person gives birth, they pass their microbiome to their baby—first through exposure to their normal flora in the birth canal and then through their milk during breast- or chestfeeding. 2. Communication is a two-way street. The milk ejection reflex is a muscular contraction that pushes milk out to the baby. But did you know that once the milk ejection reflex slows, muscles relax and pull baby’s saliva back in? Lactocytes respond to saliva exposure by producing particular macrophages. If the baby has been exposed to an infection, at the next feeding, he will get leukocytes and antibodies to fight that specific infection. 3. Colostrum is not really food. You read that correctly! Babies get very few calories at the breast during the first 48 hours, because the calories in colostrum are not intended for digestion. They come from immune cells, designed to populate the immune system. Rather than thinking of colostrum as calories, think of it as an immune system transfer. 4. Breastmilk sugars are more than food. Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs) play a key role in developing the infant’s gut microbiome. Human milk contains more than 100 types of HMOs. (In contrast, cows’ milk contains only two.) Each HMO has a specific benefit for the infant’s gut microbiome. Some are prebiotics, acting to increase good bacteria in the gut. Others block the attachment of invading viruses and bacteria like RSV and e.coli by providing harmless “decoy” attachment sites. Another type coats the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, preventing pathogens from sticking. But none of them are digested by baby as carbohydrates until the baby is more than four months old. 5. A breasted baby’s gut microbiome is optimized for nutrition delivery. The breastfed infant’s gut contains a specialized group of bacteria known as the phosphotransferase system. This system transports lactose and makes it available for use. Breastfed babies have higher levels of phosphotransferase then formula-fed babies. This means breastfed babies can access the maximum amount of energy available in their breastmilk. This ensures a constant source of carbohydrate for the developing, glucose-dependent brain. Breastfed babies have higher numbers of gut bacteria that produce Vitamin A, B Vitamins, Vitamin K-2, and more. When they drink breastmilk, it feeds the bacteria colonies in their gut that make these micronutrients. Are you ever asked whether breastmilk contains enough iron, Vitamin K, or other nutrients? That question is misleading! Babies actually do not “get” these important micronutrients from the breastmilk they drink; what they get from breastmilk are the ingredients to feed a microbiome that can synthesize these micronutrients. 6. There are “bonus” calories in breastmilk. Epithelial cells in human milk (formerly thought to be dead) are actually alive, active, and functional. They form clusters (called mammospheres) in the baby’s gut and continue to make more milk! This means that for every calorie of breastmilk a baby takes in, he gets bonus calories as the epithelial cells continue to generate milk inside his gut. 7. Exclusively breastfed babies have “less mature” gut microbiomes, and that is a good thing. At birth, babies have very different proportions of specific bacteria in their gut microbiome compared to their birthing parent’s. Over the first 12 months of life, the baby’s microbiome shifts to strongly resemble the birthing parent’s. However, this shift is accelerated by the introduction of formula or the feeding of solid foods. As soon as the baby ingests anything other than human milk, the gut microbiome changes rapidly, and it does not go back. This may explain why formula fed infants experience more auto-immune and infectious illness. 8. Birth interventions affect the microbiome. Cesarean section birth reduces microorganism exposure. While infants born via vaginal birth show 135 of their mother’s 187 bacteria strains after birth, infants born via surgical delivery show only 55. Antibiotics given to Group Beta-Strep-positive parents during birth also have an effect, since they wipe out good flora in the birth canal. Exactly how these interventions affect long-term health is not yet clear, but continuing to think carefully about birth interventions is key. 9. What about special situations? Many of the mechanisms of microbiome transfer rely on birth and direct feeding. What about parents who exclusively pump, rely on donor milk, or induce lactation for an adopted baby? Exclusive pumping and the use of donor milk both impact the microbiome to some extent. Pasteurization of donor milk inactivates some of the living organisms in human milk, and exclusive pumping does not allow for the two-way communication discussed earlier where baby’s saliva is taken into the breast and informs lactocytes of the baby’s specific infection exposure. However, as you address parents’ concerns, what the science tells us now is that receiving human milk is more important than how it is the baby receives the milk. 10. Microbiome science is only a baby itself. It is important to remember that our understanding of the gut microbiome is just getting started. There is a long way to go, and much more to learn. However, for those of us who work with lactating families, the exciting news is: Understanding how the unique components of human milk interact with the infant’s gut organisms is helping us begin to understand how those benefits occur—they operate through the microbiome.
by mothershlc 3 November 2020
I’m sorry that it has been so long since my last post.  I suppose that my long breaks between blog posts means that I am really just talking to myself.  That said, I was talking to myself again yesterday and I was struck by a thunderbolt.  So here is my latest brain bender.  I’m sorry … Continue reading →
by mothershlc 13 October 2020
Heather writes: “My son is about to hit seven months and I’ve noticed lately that my milk production has decreased and I’m having a really hard time pumping, which is made worse because being in the Army I only get two twenty minute breaks to pump per day. Any advice?” Heather, I remember talking to … Continue reading →
by mothershlc 6 October 2020
Some of you know that Dr. Johnston has a relatively inactive blog called Sage Homme’s Breastfeeding Blog.  He has used it off and on over the years to answer some of the common questions mothers ask about breastfeeding.  We have decided to migrate that blog over to Mother’s Helper so that we can reach a … Continue reading →
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